2022 First Quarter Printing Industry Performance & Insights (PIPI) Survey

Below you will find a link to the next Printing Industry Performance and Insights (PIPI) survey, which 15 regional printing associations sponsor, including Printing Industry Midwest (PIM).

Survey Link: https://jcbsurvey.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aaeM46Sl6lcEV5s

In this study, we explore three topics:

  1. Industry performance, both nationally and regionally,
  2. Industry outlook, both nationally and regionally, and
  3. Strategic groups in our industry.

A strategic group represents a set of firms within an industry pursuing a similar strategy. For instance, strategic groups in the restaurant industry apply different strategies: fast food, fine dining, and many others. As the printing industry has become more diverse, printing firms apply various strategies. We hope to provide helpful financial benchmarks and strategic knowledge for each strategic group from our results. 

As we addressed two big topics (workforce shortages and supply chain) in our last study, that survey was too long and very cumbersome. This survey is much shorter. We hope you will invest fifteen minutes or so in completing the survey, from which we aim to provide you actionable knowledge.

We ask some financial questions. Therefore, you might open assess to your financial statements before starting the survey. We do not ask for your identity, and the survey data is kept confidential.

Thank you for helping us provide association members valuable knowledge!

Questions? Should you have any questions or comments, please email Dr. Ralph Williams (ralph.williams@mtsu.edu).

Sadie Hagen
Author: Sadie Hagen