Return on Investment
Every PIM member has the opportunity to get a return on their membership dues investment through the programs designed especially for the printing industry.
How can I post a job opening or view resumes on the PIM website? This employment service is managed by PIM staff. Members can post job openings at no charge. Non-members pay $75 per transaction. Only members can request full resumes that have been posted by job seekers. This is a direct way to find employees who are interested in the printing industry. Contact PIM offices at 612.400.6200 or email.
PIM membership links you to new business opportunities. The Print Buyers Guide & Membership Directory is mailed to over 9,000 printers, print buyers and suppliers throughout the United States. This directory is a recipient of Printing Impressions Gold Ink Awards. PIM members are listed by company, products, services and location. This directory lists the best graphic arts and communications companies in the Midwest. Contact PIM offices to receive a copy, at 612.400.6200 or email.
PIM membership links you to new business opportunities through the Internet. PrintAccess is an online database of members of the Printing Industries of America (included in PIM membership). Print buyers search this database for specific products and services; and can narrow down to a certain location. Members update their own information. Contact PIM offices at 612.400.6200 or email.
What assistance is available to prepare me for OSHA and EPA visits and provide a safe workplace? Paul Gutkowski and Cathy Malinowski assist members with training, audits and testing. Paul and Cathy are your extended staff for all OSHA related concerns. Contact Paul Gutkowski at 612.400.6205 or email or Cathy Malinowski at 612.868.6771 or email.
Events and networking opportunities are scheduled throughout the year throughout the Midwest including member tours, trade shows, print awards, golf outings, etc.
PIM’s printed newsletter, The Loupe, is mailed to members in January, March, May, July and November. Electronic newsletters, eLoupe News, are sent via email every other Tuesday. Printing Industries of America mails members their magazine and sends other communication regarding national legislative issues, industry news, etc.
Members receive legislative updates weekly during the scheduled sessions in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. With local and national lobbyists, PIM members know when to contact their legislators and members of congress to discuss the details of bills relating to our industry.